Phishing can be identified as the criminally & fraudulently process of attempting to acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords & credit card details by fraud as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail, eBay, PayPal, msn, Citibank, and Yahoo. In order to steal information from users, perpetrators had created a fake website instead of legitimate one. The fraudulent email address that they had sent always will redirect to the perpetrator’s website which is fake. It is one of the examples of social engineering techniques which directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look almost same with the legitimate and original one.
Example of phishing from e-mail:
Prevention Method:
1) Never reply to e-mail message that request your personal information
We need to be cautious when opening any attachment or downloading files from e-mails that you received. You also need to aware regardless of who sent the e-mail to you. When you surf the internet, you need to be aware for the fake website which directly ask for your detail financial and personal information. Do not simply to login the website, try to solve the problem at the bank itself.
1) Never reply to e-mail message that request your personal information
We need to be cautious when opening any attachment or downloading files from e-mails that you received. You also need to aware regardless of who sent the e-mail to you. When you surf the internet, you need to be aware for the fake website which directly ask for your detail financial and personal information. Do not simply to login the website, try to solve the problem at the bank itself.
2) Don’t click links in suspicious e-mail, the link might not be trustworthy
All the domain name of the company should be recorded and try not to click the link that is available inside the suspicious website. It may contain any fake website that will attract you to click in and steal your sensitive information.
3) Use the strong or different password for each of your accounts and change them frequently
Strengthen of passwords can be determined by the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Complicated combination passwords will make them difficult for other people to guess and access. Use a different password for your each account and change them frequently can help you in avoid them to access.
4) Block the phishing e-mails by various spam filters, keep your PC updated & use
antivirus software
Perpetrators are usually use e-mails as “bait” to attract the potential victims. They can send out large amount of spoofed e-mails which are seemed from legitimate organizations. The perpetrators hide their identities when sending the spoofed e-mails, therefore, if anti-spam systems can determine whether an e-mail is sent by the attackers, the phishing attacks will be decreased dramatically. Besides that, antivirus software will help to protect PC from attack and increases the defense level that makes perpetrators difficult to send the fraudulent e-mail to the user.
Others method:
-Do the business only with companies you know & trust.-Monitor your transaction, using just one credit card for online purchases makes it easier to
track your transactions.-Use credit cards for transactions on the internet instead of debit cards to avoid the big credit
limit from your bank account.
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